


Beer or soft drink? You can enjoy a refreshing Shandy in a surprising selection of flavors and get back to work fully focused.
Shandy is a delicate and surprising beer-based beverage that contains only 1.9% alcohol, and comes in selection of fruity flavors, such as lemon, peach and apple. Shandy is a perfectly balanced and natural tasting drink – the best combination of light alcoholic and soft drink.
Forget the tiring effects of alcohol. Shandy picks you up every time. It is the perfect choice when enjoying a drink with lunch, on a fun and light night at a bar or an evening at home with friends.
Shandy is an old guest in Israel, where it was first launched in 1983 in the classic lemon flavor. In 2010, Tempo decided to re-launch the beverage and added surprising new flavors: lemon-lime, peach and apple. In 2013 the brand was redesigned by Cartis, a Dutch company specializing in label design. The company designed the new labels and packaging in a classic look that emphasizes its quality.

WARNING: Contains alcohol - it is recommended to avoid excessive drinking