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Why don’t you collect open bottles?
When the bottle is closed, we know for sure that its contents come from the production line of Tempo. With an open bottle, we cannot know that for certain, and the risk is that it would contain dangerous materials.
for example:
Did the consumer drink directly from the bottle? Was any foreign material added accidentally or intentionally to the product? Is the contents of the bottle indeed the original product?
In addition, opened bottle over time affects the quality and safety of the product.
Why are 250ml beer bottles lighter?
xFor general information: a liter of beer weighs about 1,007 grams. An empty Heineken 250 ml bottle weighs approximately 165 grams so a full bottle should weigh approximately 416.7 grams. We sell beer by the volume (liters) and not weight.
What type of plastic are your plastic bottles made of?
xDo they contain Bisphenol A?
The bottles are made from Polyethylene terephthalate or PET. It is a light, strong and transparent plastic that is approved for use in the packaging of food and beverages, and does not contain Bisphenol A.
Why is the bottle soft?
xSoft bottles are bottles that do not contain Nitrogen. Soft (and Nitrogen free) bottles are safe to use.
Why every time you open a carbonated beverage the amount of gas decreases?
xEach product has a specification that defines its typical gasification level (CO2), which is tested in the production process. In general, substances in nature always strive to reach equilibrium, as long as the bottle is closed the gas is under high pressure and therefore is not released from the product. The moment the bottle is opened and the product meets the outside air in which the gas concentration is very low, a process of equalizing the pressure in which the gas in the product seeks to escape into the air at low pressure / concentration begins.
Do Tampo products contain gluten?
xBeer products contain gluten.
All other products are gluten-free.
The law requires labeling products containing gluten.
We recommend that anyone who is sensitive to gluten read the label before use. Attention must be paid to imported products and Adir products. “
Is sulfate identical to Bisulfite and sulfur?
xYes, the materials are the same and therefore those who are allergic to Bisulfite and sulfur should not consume products that contain sulfate.
A drink has an aftertaste even though it has not expired?
xAftertaste is a broad and complex subject that many scientists around the world study every day.
This phenomenon is caused by a change that certain components in the product undergo.
In many cases, these processes accelerate in a warm environment, for example: a product left in the car, a product exposed to direct sun. This is why we label the product “Keep in a cool and shady place.”
Also, since taste is different from person to person, one person may notice an aftertaste while others will not notice it.
Why do you not mark multi packs with expiration date?
xAccording to the law, a manufacturer must mark the date of expiration on each bottle or can. Packages are also marked with expiration dates
I purchased a Tempo can and it was empty. How come?
xIn all Tempo filling lines, there are devices for controlling the volume of the drink.
These devices move aside products that deviate from the required volume and removes empty cans.
If the consumer has nevertheless received an empty can there are two options:
1. The can left the line in order, but some element in the supply chain punctured a tiny hole in the can and the beverage spilled out.
2. A technical error during production.
Do tempo products undergo pasteurization? If so, which products?
xPasteurization protects the food from microbes, thereby ensuring that the consumer receives a quality, safe product.
Tempo manufactures its beverages in accordance with the requirements of its stakeholders (PepsiCo, Heineken, XL) and in accordance with public health regulations.
Cider products and beers are pasteurized and labeled accordingly. Fruit juices – some are pasteurized, depending on the type of product.
Who credits me for the bottle deposit?
500ml bottles
Returned to Tempo for reuse and therefore we credit the deposit.
330ml disposable bottles
Contact Ela organization
Do Tempo beverages contain any animal products including honey, dairy products, eggs, gelatin or isinglass made from fish or bones?
xNo Tempo beverages contain animal products.
Are Tempo beers (Heineken / Goldstar / Maccabee / Nesher White) vegan?
xThere are no animal products used at any stage of the beer production.
How much Caffeine is in Pepsi Co products?
xNo Caffeine: 7Up, Diet 7Up, Mirinda
Pepsi Cola: 10.6 mg in 100ml
Pepsi Max: 12 mg in 100ml
Does Pepsi dissolve in baking or cooking?
xPepsi: Okay to use in cooking and baking.
Pepsi Max: a diet drink containing the aspartame sweetener, which is not suitable for baking and cooking.
Please note that our diet beverages are clearly labeled “No baking or cooking”
Can people who are lacking the G6PD enzyme enjoy Pepsi Max?
xPeople who lack the G6PD enzyme should not experience sensitivity to any of the Pepsi Max ingredients, but should consult a doctor.
Is there a connection between gas and osteoporosis ?
xWe do not know if there is any connection, please consult a doctor.
What is the recommended daily intake of Max Pepsi?
xDiet beverages contain aspartame sweetener.
The accepted daily intake (ADI) of aspartame is 40 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (as determined by the International Expert Committee on JECFA supplements and other expert committees of the European Union).
For example, if a diet soda contains 240 mg of aspartame, it means that a person with an average weight of 65 kg can consume about 10 liters of aspartame sweetened drink every day throughout his life and still not reach that maximum intake amount. This calculation does not take into account, of course, other products containing aspartame included in the diet of that person.
Aspartame is found in Diet 7Up and Pepsi Max.
Consult a doctor.
What is Phenylalanine and can it be dangerous to health?
What kind of sugar is in the drink?
Aspartame is a low-calorie artificial sweetener consisting of two amino acids, aspartic acid, and phenylalanine. These amino acids are identical to those obtained from human diets when we consume products containing proteins such as eggs, meat, fish, cheese, dairy products, and nuts.
People born with phenylketonuria (PKU), a rare hereditary metabolic disease, cannot break down phenylalanine and therefore should avoid aspartame.
The regulations in most countries require that food and beverage containing aspartame contain a declaration of the label that warns phenylketonuria patients (PKU) of the existence of phenylalanine.
Aspartame is one of the most thoroughly studied food ingredients. There are more than 200 scientific studies that support the safety of aspartame.
Aspartame has been used for more than 30 years and is approved by the world’s leading food safety organizations, including the International Commission of Experts on Food Additives (JECFA), the U.S. food and drug administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
Aspartame is approved for use in more than 100 countries around the world including the United States, Mexico, EU countries, Turkey, Japan and of course Israel. Researchers and health professionals continue to confirm that aspartame is safe.
The product also contains Acesulfame K, another sweetener.
are Pepsi Max and Diet 7Up approved for diabetics?
xPepsi Max and Diet 7Up do not contain sugar, but you should consult a doctor.
Does Aqua Nova have the approval of The MInistry of Health/ Standards Institution of Israel?
xAqua Nova meets the 1510 standard.
When poured in to a kettle, do Aqua Nova water cause scaling?
xqua Nova water cause scaling in minimal level compared to regular tap water.
What is Hydro 2000?
How is Aqua Nova purified?
- Aqua Nova water produced in the Hydro 2000 process undergo filtration processes, enrichment of essential minerals and disinfection.
2. The process of purification is a stage of production in which the water passes through filters that remove from the water by reverse osmosis almost all the salts naturally found in them, in order to bring the water to a uniform state where we will enrich them only with the minerals that are essential to our bodies.
Why Can’t you freeze the water?
xDuring freezing the added salts will sink and cause white deposits at the bottom of the bottle. The product can be consumed in this condition and is not dangerous.
What is the amount of nitrate in Aqua Nova?
xNitrate is one of the most soluble substances in water, and one of the most common groundwater pollutants. The most common sources of nitrate environmental pollution are agricultural fertilizers, industrial and municipal waste, waste dumps, animal habitats and wastewater treatment systems.
The level of nitrates in Aqua Nova is up 1 mg per liter of water. Due to the small amount it is not mentioned on the label.
In Israel, the maximum nitrate concentration allowed in drinking water is 70 milligrams per liter.
Why is the level of chloride high Aqua Nova compared to other types of water?
xChlorides are a general indication of salt level in water. The level of chlorides allowed in drinking water in Israel is up to 600 mg / liter, while the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the World Health Organization have set the maximum level at 250 mg /liter.
Fluoride is listed on the Aqua Nova label, did you change the product?
xTempo has decided to refresh and renew the Aqua Nova packaging, including a new bottle and label design. The product remains the same.
Why does Aqua Nova contain fluoride?
xThe addition of fluoride to drinking water has been proven by many international studies as an effective way to prevent tooth disease and is beneficial to dental health.
Why does Aqua Nova contain magnesium?
xMagnesium is an essential mineral which helps the normal functioning of cells in the body. This is the fourth most common mineral in the body, and second in its prevalence in body cells. This mineral is important for the proper functioning of various systems in the body such as the cardiovascular system, immune system, nervous system, bones and muscles.
What is the difference between Aqua Nova and refined water?
xAqua Nova are purified water. Purified water is water that underwent a special purification process, after which minerals and salts are added according to daily consumption recommendations.
Refined water does not contain salts and minerals and are therefore not recommended for drinking.
What is quinine?
xAn aromatic compound produced from the bark of a tree, which is responsible for the bitter taste of the product.
Does tonic water contain magnesium or a similar substance that helps with muscle contractions?
xThe quantity of quinine in the drink is according to the standards in soft drinks.
The amount of quinine in the drink is only intended to impart bitter taste and cannot be used as a medicine.
What kind of filtration does soda undergo?
xSand filtration, disinfection with chlorine, charcoal filtration, final gentle filtration, UV.
Does the soda contain salt? And do you deliberately add sodium?
xThe quantity of sodium in the plant’s drinking water is the same amount as in soda water, 10 mg of sodium per 100 ml of soda water.
There is no salt in the soda and no sodium is added to the water.
How is the carbon dioxide in soda produced?
xIt is produced by a chemical process and does not contain any components of barley or wheat
Which flavored soda drinks are approved by the Israeli Diabetes Association?
xLemon lime flavored soda.
What sweeteners are used in flavored soda water?
xNo sweeteners are used. The flavor is caused by flavor and scent concentrates.
Do San Benedetto water contain fluoride?
xSan Benedetto water are natural mineral water and do not contain fluoride.
Why is there a number imprinted on the bottom of the bottle?
xThe number imprinted on the bottom of the bottle usually indicates the serial production line. It is imprinted for internal factory checks.
Do San Benedetto bottles contain Bisphenol A?
xThe bottles are made with polyethylene terephthalate or PET. It is a light, strong and transparent plastic that is approved for use in food and beverage packaging, which does not include Bisphenol A.
Why is there sulfur in the water?
xSulfur is a mineral that is an integral part of water similarly to calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.
What does the number marked in the triangle on the label indicate?
xThe “SPI Resin Identification Coding System” (SPI) defines the way to mark different plastic products. The labeling is based on the symbol of recycling with a number in it, and sometimes letters. The number 1 Indicates that the material from which the bottle is made is PET (polyethylene).
What are the white particles in water?
xThese are calcium and magnesium, which are relatively highly concentrated in San Benedetto.
If the water is freezed or heated the calcium and magnesium crystallize into particles. The water is still safe to drink.
Is it OK to freeze the water witout the bottle?
xYes it is. please notice that sometimes the minerals in the water can result in white “stains” on the ice. They are safe for use anyway.
What is the source of the waters of San Benedetto and San Pellegrino?
xSan Benedetto is produced from the wells of San Benedetto by Acqua Minerale San Benedetto Ltd. In Venice, Italy.
San Pellegrino’s water source is in the village of San Pellegrino Therme, pumped about 60 km northeast of Milan, Italy.
Is the gasification in San Pellegrino and San Benedetto products natural?
xIn San Benedetto external gasification is added.
San Pellegrino naturally contain carbon dioxide, but more is added during bottling.
What is the difference between Bitter Lemon and Lemon Shandy?
xThese are two different products.
Shandy is a fruit flavored beverage containing beer, with a low amount of alcohol. The drink comes in flavors such as watermelon, apple, melon, and lemon.
Bitter Lemon is a carbonated beverage based on soda with lemon flavors, which contains quinine.
Why do some of the Jump drinks contain pulp and some don’t?
xThe Jump family of drinks is divided to three types:
Pulp drink, which contain fruit pulp: Orange, grapefruit, and diet grapefruit
Viscose drinks: strawberry-banana, Mango-passionfruit
Clear drinks: Apple and grape
Do Jump beverages contain a chemical or natural food coloring?
xNatural color: carrot concentrate, Strawberry Banana.
No food coloring: Grapefruit, Grapefruit Diet, Mango Passion Fruit.
Chemical food coloring: Orange juice contains beta-Carotene.
Grape and apple juice contain caramel food coloring.
What is Malic acid? What are preservative E242, E202 and sulfate E223?
xMalic acid is a naturally occuring acid found in fruits, mainly in apples, and provides the characteristic tartness of the product.
E-202 – Potassium sorbate.
E-242 Velcorin.
E-223 – Solfit.
Their role, when combined is to preserve the product and prevent spoilage.
Is there sugar in diet grapefruit beverage? If so, how much?
xThe diet grapefruit beverage contains sugar as well as artificial sweeteners up to 20 Kcal per 100 ml. Some of the sugar is naturally found in the fruit and some is added in the production process.
What are pectin and guar gum?
xThese are types of emulsifiers (stabilizers), used in the juice industry. They are used to stabilize the drink’s colors.
What is the percentage of sugar in clear cider 330 ml and in cider concentrate?
xIn the concentrate and still cider there is no added sugar, all the sweetness of the drink comes from apple concentrate.
After dilution of the concentrate as per the instructions on the packaging the prepared drink contains 10% sugars.
What is the percentage of sugar in the concentrate before dilution?
xAbout 55% sugar, originating from apples. No sugar is added during the production process.
How much carbohydrate are there in the non-diluted cider concentrate?
xAccording to the Israeli standard, the nutritional marking is for a drink after dilution and not for a concentrate. That said, the carbohydrate content of the concentrate is 66 grams and the energy is 264 calories per 100 ml.
Why is there no deposit on the Cider Galilee concentrate bottle?
xAccording to the Deposit Law, only drink bottles require a refund, and since the concentrate is not a beverage on its own, but rather a concentrate, it does not oblige a deposit.
What is the ratio between concentrate and water in the production of still cider?
xOur product contains 100% fruit without the addition of sugar and preservatives. The recipe is a secret.
What varieties of apples do you use to make Cider Galilee?
xWe use a combination of apple varieties to achieve the precise quality and taste our consumers expect.
What are the ingredients in Cider Galilee? And what is the production process?
xThe concentrate contains zero preservatives.
The process includes pressing the apples, filtration and concentration.
After preparing the juice from the concentrate, it began to ferment in just two days, despite being refrigerated. Why is that?
xCider Galilee does not contain preservatives and therefore does not have protection against microbial spoilage. Therefore it is recommended to drink the juice the same day.
For a bottle of concentrate, it is recommended to close it well and keep it in the coldest area in the refrigerator.
Does the cider contain sodium? If so, what is the source of the sodium?
xThe sodium comes from the apple.
The drink is made with 100% fruit without any additives except water.
What is the Brix level in Cider Galilee concentrate?
xBrix = Carbohydrates / Sugar
In Cider Galilee there are 12 brix in a prepared drink = 55 brix in the concentrate.
Why is XL not recommended for diabetics?
xAll XL drinks contain caffeine and taurine.
Since we do not know the effect of these components on diabetics, we do not recommended it for people who suffer from diabetes.
Consult a doctor.
What is the Taurine component in XL?
xTaurine is a natural substance essential for many bodily functions.
Its role here is to bind with caffeine and sugar, and together serve as a source of instant energy. Studies in China have found that taurine also has an anti-anxiety effect on laboratory animals, and in another study, taurine was found to be essential for strengthening the primary muscles and improving the ability to strain in mice.
What is the Taurine component in XL?
xTaurine is a natural substance essential for many bodily functions.
Its role here is to bind with caffeine and sugar, and together serve as a source of instant energy. Studies in China have found that taurine also has an anti-anxiety effect on laboratory animals, and in another study, taurine was found to be essential for strengthening the primary muscles and improving the ability to strain in mice.
Why does it say on the can that you cannot mix XL with alcohol?
xIt is a demand by the Health Ministry, among other reasons in order to reduce alcohol intake.
What is the pasteurization process?
x“The pasteurization process is designed to destroy residues of yeast and microorganisms that may spoil the flavor of the drink over time.
The pasteurization is accomplished by heating the beer to a temperature of 62 degrees celsius and then cooling it.
Is there yeast in white beer and in Nesher Malt beer?
xThere is no yeast in white beer and Nesher Malt beer.
With the exception of the Goldstar Unfiltered, to which yeast is added during fermentation and later removed by filtration.
What is the sugar content in Goldstar beer 330 ml?
xIt should be noted that we do not add sugar during brewing and that the sugar content originate from the malt. Less than 0.5 g sugar/ 100 ml per drink.
Carbohydrates: about 2.5 g / 100 ml per drink.
What is the zinc and copper content in Goldstar beer?
xLess than 30 μg copper / mL, less than 10 μg zinc/ mL.
To which countries Goldstar beer is exported?
xTempo exports Goldstar beer to:
U.S., U.K., Russia, Germany, Canada, Australia
What characterizes Goldstar Unfiltered?
xGoldstar Unfiltered is a dark, cloudy, lager beer that is unfiltered and thus features an original beer taste, a thick crown of foam, and a full body.
What is the difference between regular Goldstar and Goldstar Unfiltered?
xGoldstar Unfiltered is not filtered.
Why is there a residue at the bottom of the bottle?
xThe beer is unfiltered which gives it a cloudy appearance. The cloudiness is caused by yeast and protein that remain in the beer.
Why is there a residue at the bottom of the bottle?
xOver time, a light-colored sediment is formed at the bottom of the bottle (the residue is part of the product).
For optimal drinking experience, it is recommended to turn over the bottle gently before opening to blend it.
It is possible that the residue is formed due to spoilage or the presence of a foreign body.
What characterizes Goldstar SLOWBREW?
x– Change in the temperatures of the extraction of sugars and increased amounts of malt in the recipe.
– Brewing period is three months longer to allow the development of complex, deep flavors.
The result is a deep copper-colored beer with a creamy airy foam head. The beer has a crisp malt aroma with touches of brown dried fruits and a hint of almonds / marzipan.
The beer tastes sweet with a delicate hoppy bitterness along with hints of pear and red apple.
Alcohol by volume -10%
72 calories per 100 ml.
We occasionally drink Heineken marketed by Tempo. The expiration dates marked at the bottom of the can list a month and year, for example December 2012. I would like to know whether this is the end of the month or the beginning of the month. Are there any binding regulations on this matter?
xIf the expiration date is listed as December 2012 it means it is good through the end of December.
Is it dangerous to consume expired beer?
xThere is no health risk in drinking expired beer, it simply not at its best.
How much sugar does Maccabee 330ml contain?
xIt should be noted that we do not add sugar in the production process and that the source of carbohydrates and sugars is the malt.
Sugar is less than 0.5 g / 100 ml.
Carbohydrates: about 2.5 g / 100 ml.
Not mentioned in the nutritional labeling since these are intoxicating beverages.
What is the percentage of sugar in a bottle of Malt Star?
xCarbohydrates 8.5 g / 100 ml, of which sugars 6 g / 100 ml.
What is the difference between Malt Star and Nesher Malt?
xThere is no difference in the ingredients and there is some difference in the recipe to adjust for preferences of American consumers, as the Malt Star is a product we primarily export.
I wanted to know if your beers, especially Malt drinks, contain any traces of aluminum?
xThe aluminum contents are below 0.1 mg per liter.
Are there any nutritional values in white Nesher beer?
What is the beer with the least alcohol percentage?
For white beers, we denote only the total caloric value, which is listed on the label.
Alcohol concentration for white Nesher beer is 3.8%, the lowest of all our beers.
What is the percentage of sugar in a Nesher Malt beer?
x8.5 g / 100 ml carbohydrates, of which 6 g / 100 ml sugars.
How many carbohydrates does Nesher Malt 500 ml contain?
xEach product has a nutritional table for100 ml per drink.
What the customer needs to do is multiply the amount of carbohydrates in 100 ml by 5 = 42.5 grams of carbohydrates.
Are there any sugar substitutes in Diet Nesher Malt?
xThere is a sugar called fructose and a sweetener called sucralose. All the ingredients are accurately labeled on each bottle or can.
Does Nesher Malt contain calcium? And does it contain alcohol?
xNesher Malt has about 50 mg Calcium per liter, and has alcohol concentration up to 0.5 % in volume.
Is the water used in Nesher Malt tap water?
xThe water used at Tempo are well water or filtered and purified local water processed according to strict local and international standards.
Is Diet Nesher Malt approved for diabetics?
xThe drink is not approved by the Israeli Diabetes Association. Please consult a doctor.
Why does Murphy’s beer contain a foreign object?
xMurphy’s is an Irish stout beer.
These stouts are poured with a nitrogen mixture and not only with the carbon dioxide used in other carbonated beverages.
Nitrogen bubbles are much smaller than those of carbon dioxide, so the stout does not feel carbonated.
The unique effect of stout is achieved by a special pressure capsule placed in each can, releasing the nitrogen mixture when the can is opened.
If you look into a Murphy’s can or shake it after emptying it, you can see inside it a white plastic ball – this is the pressure capsule. When you pour Murphy’s into a glass you should see light brown vortex appearing in the glass, and after a few minutes a creamy foam head is forming over a dark, almost black beer.
This is the way a Murphy’s should be enjoyed, and we are not sparing any effort to ensure that you enjoy an ideal glass of stout each time.
The label on the can says that it contains this plastic device, and that it must be left inside the can.
Does Strongbow Cider contain gluten?
xStrongbow Cider does not contain gluten. It is an alcoholic cider made from apple concentrate, with 4.5% alcohol. It is the world’s best-selling cider brand.
What distinguishes paulaner beer?
xPaulaner is a wheat beer, and is distinguished for containing remainder yeast. This is why you should gently shake the bottle to mix the yeast before pouring the last few sips of beer, which are the most delicious.
Why are there crystals in wine?
xSometimes crystals form in both white and red wine. The cause is tartaric acid that is naturally found in wine, and crystallizes in cold temperatures. When wine is transported, especially in cold months, it is often exposed to temperatures low enough to allow these crystals to form.
Like other sediments in wines, these crystals are natural by-products of wine production and are not harmful, nor do they impact the quality of the wine.
Do Barkan wines and arak contain gluten?
xNo, our wines and arak are gluten-free. We are required by law to properly label any product containing gluten. We recommend any person who is gluten-intolerant to carefully read the labels, especially in imported products.
Does wine contain preservatives?
xsodium bisulfite/Sulfur dioxide is an antibacterial compound added to wine, which prevents it from turning to vinegar. Sulfur dioxide is naturally occurring in the wine during fermentation, but in small amounts. The Sulfur dioxide also
Inhibits the activity of yeast in the wine and prevents the continued fermentation of the wine in the bottle, in wines that contain sugar (dessert wines and semi-dry wines).
Red wines contain the smallest amount of sulfur dioxide, both because they are typically dry and contain no residual sugar, and because the process of making red wine encourages the occurrence of natural preservatives in the wine.
Although these additives are indicated on the label, they are not harmful.
How long is wine good to use?
xAssuming the wine is kept at appropriate storage conditions:
Red wine- depends on the type of wine, between four and ten years.
White wine- a year to one and a half years.
Sweet wine- good to use for many years.
How long can I keep wine that has been opened?
xIt is always better to finish a wine that is open, but you can enjoy it up to three to four days after opening.
Will wine always have the same flavor?
xIn general, we maintain consistency in our wines, however, wine is affected by weather conditions and so minor changes may occur.
How can you tell if a wine is Mevushal?
xIt is listed on the label.
Our Mevushal wines: Barkan reserve, Barkan Classic, Ben Ami, Merom Galil Fusion
What kosher certifications does Barkan and Segal wines have?
xThe Chatam Sofer Petach Tikva.
Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
Kosher Lemehadrin under the supervision of the Gezer Rabbinate
Shnat Shmita Wines – why are there no Chatam Sofer or Beit Yosef stamps?
xChatam Sofer does not recognize the arrangement of the Heter Mechirah, and therefore does not give kashrut to seventh year wines.
Where can you buy Barkan Almon 750ml?
xThis wine is not retailed, only sold to restaurants and hotels.
Why are there sediments in the wine?
xSediments occur naturally during the aging process of red wines, as the pigments in the wine break down and sink to the bottom of the bottle. They sometimes combine with the tannins and form long, heavy chains floating in the liquid.
The sediments are completely natural and harmless, although sometimes they can cause some bitterness. It is recommended to gently pour wine with sediment into another container while leaving the residue in the original bottle and thereby receiving a clearer wine. Sediments in the wine does not necessarily mean that the wine is spoiled.
Can spoiled wine cause abdominal pain?
xReasonable consumption (up to 2 glasses a day) have a calming and relaxing effect. Excessive consumption may have the opposite effect. One should not exceed the recommended amount.
For diabetics, consult your doctor.
Is wine dangerous for pregnant women?
xThe recommendation of the Ministry of Health and the world’s health organizations to pregnant women is to refrain entirely from drinking alcohol.
Consult a doctor.
The cork is damp or wet with wine on the top of the cork
xWine corks are a natural product and are therefore not uniform. On occasion, they may allow for leakage of the wine.
Another possible reason for this phenomenon is that the wine was not properly stored, causing it to continue fermenting in the bottle.
The cork crumbles when removed
xThe cork is dry due to improper storage of the wine (not stored horizontally), or the wine opener is not working properly and has caused the cork to break.
The color of the white wine is reddish-brown, what does that mean?
xThe wine is probably oxidized and is not suitable for drinking
Why is there no expiration date on the bottle?
xThe bottle will be labeled with a production code, the date on which the bottle was filled.
The wine has no expiration date, which is approved by the Ministry of Health.
The reason is that wines age and expire at different times, which are impossible to predict.
Since even spoiled wine is not dangerous to health, it was decided that there was no need to attach an expiration date to the wine.
How do you store wine properly?
xWines are affected by temperature, exposure to light, and movement.
It is recommended to:
1) Keep the wine at a temperature lower than 20 degrees.
2) Keep the wine in a dark place.
3) Keep the bottle lying horizontally.
For your information:
Because the cork is a natural plant based substance, it tends to dry and shrink. When it shrinks (it can take a few months), an opening can be created between the cork and bottle, which will allow oxygen to penetrate into the wine and spoil it. When the bottle is stored horizontally, the wine wets the cork, keeping it from drying and subsequently spoiling the wine.
How long does the wines from the Reserve series age in barrels?
xThree-six months, depending on the variety and vintage
Why does the label read “pineapple concentrate” and why do you add water?
xJumex pineapple juice is made from pineapple concentrate. To comply with labeling regulations we must accurately label beverages made from concentrate.
Additional information: in the process of producing the concentrate, pineapples are dehydrated leaving a concentrated high-brix pineapple mix. During production we take the high-brix concentrate and add water until the mix has the right brix level for pineapple juice.
A pre-opened bottle of Chivas did not pour correctly when reopened, why?
xWhen reopening a bottle it is advised to gently shake it to ease the pour.
Is the date listed on the bottle the production date?
How can I check the authenticity of a Chivas Regal whiskey?
The process of producing Chivas lasts at least 12 years and therefore the bottles have a bottling date, not the date of production.
For authentication, the code on the cap of the bottle should match the code stamped on the bottle. One can also compare taste and smell notes with another Chivas bottle.
Should there be an OU stamp? If so, where?
xIf it’s a Tempo bottle, the stamp should be on the back of the bottle on the clear sticker.
Why does Absolut vodka freeze?
xAs a product containing 40% alcohol and 60% water, vodka freezes at a temperature of 24 degrees celsius. Absolut Vodka is made from natural ingredients only and has no artificial additives such as antifreeze. Sometimes, a freezer’s temperature can reach 16-18 degrees degrees celsius. If the freezer temperature is too low it is possible that Absolut Vodka will freeze faster than other vodkas. The thickness of the glass bottle also plays a role, as thinner glass will cause vodka to freeze faster. The fact that Absolut vodka freezes means it is pure, natural and high-quality.
Flavored Absolut vodka bottles do not feature a built-in pourer. Why?
xThe reason is that flavored Absolut bottles are more complex to forge and they are not as popular as classic Absolut.